Warwick Boat Club News

Junior Rowing - summer camp and joining the junior squad

The Warwick Boat Club junior rowing section restarted in September 2023.  We currently have a small squad of 10 junior rowers who train twice per week and compete at regattas and indoor rowing competitions.  We plan to expand the section this year.

We will have a small number of spaces available to start in September 2024 and would like to invite anyone from years 9 and 10 who might be interested to enter the ballot for a place.  There are up to 4 places available for the regular squad. 

Participants will need to attend a learn-to-row introductory course from Thursday 29th Aug to Sunday 1st September, and commit to training twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday 4.15-6pm during term time. 

In addition, there are 4 places available on the learn-to-row course that will give a fun introduction to the sport, but with no guarantee of a place on the regular squad afterwards.

To express an interest please complete the online form by following this link to be added to the mailing list, and you will be contacted when the ballot takes place at the end of the summer term.


Any questions please email junior-rowing@warwickboatclub.co.uk

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