Rowing News

WBC Rowing Section Newsletter - September 2016

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Dear all,

With the regatta season over, please find below a list of events to look forward to, together with a few important items that the committee would like to draw your attention to.

Dragon Boats this Sunday
The charity dragon boat cup will be taking place this Sunday 18 September. The river will be closed 9.30am – 5pm. For those of you taking part in the nose to tail session, please take extra care on the 500 as they will be out putting in final preparations, including blocking the river for several minutes to mount their start line (once in place it will sit on the bottom of the river until needed).

End of Financial Year
As our financial year ends in September, please make sure that you pay up for any outstanding race entries asap (you know who you are!)
If you have any towing/other expenses to claim for, please submit them to Jo Nurse ( by Monday 26th September. You will not be able to claim for them after that date.

Missing Coxbox and Strokecoach
We have a coxbox and a strokecoach (both of the new type) missing from the coxbox cupboard. Please check your kitbag/ car boot and return these to the club promptly. They are expensive bits of kit and were purchased for everyone to share.

Night Time Rules
As the evenings are turning darker, night time rules apply to the 7.30-9 evening sessions. In short, only 2 crews are allowed out at any one time, these need to travel in procession, stay below Charter bridge and carry working lights (white and red). There are also restrictions for novice crews - please check the full details on the rules document pinned up in the boat shed or online .
Note, it is the crew’s responsibility to bring their own set of working lights. No lights = no outing!!

Reporting Incidents
A reminder from our safety officer to make sure you report any incidents, capsizes or near-misses in the accident book or on the British Rowing website:
It only take a couple of minutes and will ensure any safety issues are reviewed and escalated where appropriate.

Boats out of Action
It’s been a busy summer and unfortunately we’ve seen an increase in boat damage. As you know, these boats are not cheap and cost a lot of time and money to repair, so please be extra careful with them, avoid collisions at all costs and report any issues in the boat damage book. We currently have RC and Hope&Glory out of action. Riggers will soon have a temporary fix but will need to go away for a proper repair in the near future. By George, Adriana, Otter and Flying Goose are also damaged but currently rowable - these will be sent away for repairs as and when we can fit them in.

Reading Training Camp
Quick reminder that Andy Wheeler needs to know final numbers for the Reading Training Camp (4th to the 6th Nov) by not later than the 23rd of September. If you could drop him an email to and make payment (£14 per day, 2 days duration) to the rowing club account that would be much appreciated.

Annual Dinner
Save the date in your diary for the rowing section’s annual dinner. This will take place on Friday 28 October at the Alderson House in Warwick. Further details to follow.

The junior section has been busy over the summer. We thank all the coaches who were involved in running training camps and afternoon sessions. In particular, we thank Rob Holmes who is stepping down as the junior head coach, to be replaced by Jon Brandt.

Canoe Club Regatta
Advanced notice that the Canoe Club will be holding a regatta on Saturday 8 October. The river will be closed to rowers between 9.30-5.30.

Recent Wins
Congratulations to all the crews that won at recent regattas. Stourport race report is now up online:
If anyone is able to put a similar report together for Gloucester or Worcester, please forward it to Tanya so she can put it up on our website.

List of Upcoming Events
The winter head calendar will be finalised and published on the website shortly, but in the meantime please see the list of upcoming events below:

18th September Boston Marathon  
1st October Worcester SBH  
9th October Bedford 4’s and SBH  
16th October Pairs Head  
16th October Burton Head  
22nd / 23rd October Nat Champs  
Friday 28th October Annual Dinner  
30th October Nottingham Autumn Head Club
4-6th November Reading Training Camp  
12th November Fours Head (London) Club
13th November Vet Fours (London)  
19th November Loughborough Soar Head  
20th November Star Head  
26th November Evesham Head Club
4th December Wallingford 4/8s  
10th December British Rowing Indoor Championships  


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