Trix Law

Tennis membership


I have been a  member of Warwick Boat for 30 years and a member of the Tennis Committee for 4 years. I represent the interests of players who participate in organised Mix-ins and those that play social tennis. I provide feedback to the Tennis Committee about the interests and requirements of this group of members and introduce myself to any new member and advise them that I am a point of contact should they require one. During the last 12 months I have:

*   Updated the New Member’s Letter and Visitor’s guest policy.
*   Prepared Court Etiquette notices to be placed on all entrances to courts.
*   I  requested screening to the back of Courts 9/10 following a member’s comment. 
*   Requested maintenance of the pavilion - now in progress.
*   Prepared notices re Dog Poo Bags as several used bags had been found in the clubhouse.     
*   Requested coat/bag hooks on all courts and towels available in clubhouse to wipe down benches.     
*   Asked for H & S/Risk Assessment on driveway for members entering from Banbury Road while contractors were on site.     
*   Instigated hand sanitisers for use in galley kitchen and by the main entrance to the pavilion.      
*   Worked with a sub committee on a major problem of traffic noise interference when playing tennis following the felling of trees/hedgerow in October.      
*   Participated in regular decisions by TC on updating Tennis Section Policy following LTA updates.      
*   Requested reinstatement of Tuesday Mix-ins following the success of pre booked Wednesday/Saturday and Sunday Mix-ins.      
*   Offered to contact tennis members who have not yet paid their membership fee.

During July I was invited by Mike Rigby to sit in on the weekly Skype General Committee meetings. These meetings are now being held every two weeks. I asked if the car park opening times could revert back to normal opening times and the office be opened again.